Maria Oliveira Counselling and Life Coaching in Lambeth, South London

Second Home. SH2

Second Home is a project to work with young people and their
Parents,we also have women support groups, helping people with their welbeing either on an emotional side or phisycal. the aim of this project is to “help young people and their parents in the community, to create bonds and build bridges for a better and safer future for themselves and the community”.
Through a range of resources and methods, whether sport, talking therapies, life coaching, parenting classes, or employability skills. Second Home want to provide a safe, secure and confidential space for young people to understand and explore their options, enabling them to make informed decisions about their ultimate life goals and how they can achieve them.
Leading them away from a potential path of disenfranchisement, poverty and even crime. It is important to Second Home to make a positive impact on how young people and the local and broader community perceive their levels of safety. To feel and be safe, build bonds between parents and children can definitely help to achieve this. The emphasis on parent support is fundamental to Second Home.

Second Home, in time will be an umbrella for various projects in and for the community but for now I will be starting with “Building Bonds”.
This is a starting point to raise awareness to the young people and their parents, based on their feedback on what they think is their needs. This will be a range of workshops to work with both, either in schools/colleges or in a community hall in a safe environment. The aim of these workshops is to promote the physical and mental wellbeing of families in the community. For them to have a voice and to be heard.
These are a few of the workshops I am staring with;
Meet me half way; a workshop to listen to both parents and young people concerns and to work as a mediator to build bonds between parents and children .To work towards building better family relationships.

2-If you knew me; this workshop is mostly for young people to have a voice and explore what really means to be themselves in this society, and for others to have an understanding/ empathy of where they come from, and how sometimes they need to “act out” in order to fit in. To enable young people to make informed life choices to achieve their life goals.
Provide emotional, physical, psychological support to young people and their immediate family/guardians, promoting family harmony and stability. To Bridge the gap between the young and society, including figures of authority

3-TO Be The Best I Can Be ; this workshop is for both but delivered in separate settings, the aim of this is to help parents to identify concerns and help to raise awareness , to help and guide them with emotional support to be the best they can be as parents. For the young people the aim is similar, for them to be self-aware of their needs, their goals, their aims and life purpose and guide them with coaching and counselling to achieve those.

London being the city it is, for some people a home is not guaranteed. Therefore the emphasis of Second Home is to provide a space where they can find well-being and a sense of belonging to a community.
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